Friday, June 12, 2009

Tips For New Parents

If you are the parent of a new kid on an established team you need to make a good impression when you first meet the rest of the parents. Don’t make the mistake of just going up, introducing yourself, and then talking non-stop about your daughter. They’ll hate you for that and think you are a threat to their kid’s spot on the team. It’s much better to open the conversation by asking a question. That way you’ll come across as a little bit vulnerable and they can feel all superior by giving you the information you need. Here are some sample questions that I’ve used to endear myself to the parents of our new teams over the years:

Did your daughter forget her glasses today?
How long have you been putting up with this goalkeeper?
Did you guys ever win before we joined the team?
Who is the slut in the red tank top?
How are the anger management classes working out?
How can they afford this club?
Is the coach really as well endowed as your wife says?

Drop me an email if you need any more advice.

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