Friday, February 19, 2010

Crazy Men!

WTF is it with the male of the species? Are they all nuts or is it just the ones in my circle? I swear that if wasn’t for the fact that we need them for the occasional bit of hammering and nailing, I would handle everything myself.

The latest screw up down our way was when bonehead boy and his estranged father decided to spend their quality time together at Knub’s Knob ski center last weekend! The kid is a development academy player and he’s indulging in a risky pursuit with a flamed out dopehead fresh out of addiction rehab! Then, to make matters worse, they eat flatiron steaks and Texas fries washed down with chocolate milk shakes for dinner, and stay up till 3am watching adult DVDs in 3D on his father’s 96” HD widescreen. This on the eve of an academy scrimmage against Canton Community College’s B team! WTF were they thinking?

Fortunately he is back with me this weekend as the regular season for the Academy starts tomorrow. I kept him out of school today and got an extension on his homework so that his mind is clear. His girlfriend is banished for the weekend and he can get his cellphone back provided he starts the game. I made him some tasty bran and banana for breakfast, pasta for lunch, pasta for dinner and pasta for supper. He had his vitamins, his supplements, his energy drinks and that stuff that they don’t test for yet at his age. Lights out is 9.30pm. I also removed the copy of Playboy that he keeps under his bed and we had a serious adult conversation about it to the point where he understands that I’m not a prude, and I understand that it’s very natural, but that he shouldn’t take care of that until after the game in case it drains all his energy. I think he understood and so I didn’t insist that we tie his arm to the bedpost.

I think he’s happy that I cut him a lot more slack than the fanatical parents on our team who live vicariously through their kids.

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