Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well it looks like our investment might be about to pay off! As my daughter gets set to embark on her HS junior year season we’ve gotten wind of the fact that there might just be a couple of schools who have their eye on her! How cool is that?

We suspect that Our Lady of The Sacred Halftime Team Talk in Alaska has her firmly in their sights. Of course we haven’t actually spoken to the coach himself just yet but their school priest did assure my daughter that “God is watching”, so I assume he means the coach. He also said that their team needs help from a higher power so that was a pretty nice compliment, don’t you think? Talking to other parents we might even be able to expect a 0.1 scholarship which would go a long way to offsetting the $150,000 we’ve spent on private trainers since she was a three year old.

Of course, none of us in the Goldstein family are completely, 100% catholic at the moment but sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. I’m just not sure that I want her so far away from home! Shoot, she might even miss her brother’s Bar Mitzvah. My daughter is out in the yard at the moment practicing a skill she’s sure to need – genuflecting before you take the field. It's all so exciting!!

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